Tuesday, January 1, 2013

To a New Year: Welcoming 2013

Everyone has some "New Year" resolutions. Even me, I admit it. Some are wholehearted... good even. Others... not so much. So here are those that I felt were best to commit too. Some are a bit "cheesy", one might say, so do bear with me. And, please, keep in mind, I am young and still haven't had all the wisdom of the world nor even experience in most matters, so my resolutions may seem... unrealistic. So be it. :)

1. Try one new thing (and hopefully fail at it) every week.*

2. Do my very best to stay organized, especially with a puppy who enjoys to rip up much needed papers.

3. Hug my friends and family more, and make sure they know what they mean to me.

4. Do the small things that matter, and be humble in doing them.

5. Remember to look back on each day and revel in the beauty around me. (God's creations truly are all beautiful, sometimes they just need a closer (or more general) look.)

*You may think that hoping to "fail" is not the best resolution. Let me explain myself. For me, success only is rewarding if the task was truly a challenge. Easy things, although pleasurable, don't resonate with me in quite the same way. I rather fail the first time and have to come at it from a different angle and try again. Call me crazy. :P

Oh, and for the first step in reveling in the beauty of the day...

{all pictures by Forgotten Tremors}

Wishing you all the best of luck and fortune in the coming year of 2013! Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. On the contrary, I think your resolutions are completely realistic. They concentrate on the things that are the most important in life.
