Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Pretty Little Notebook and a Lovely Cream

Cheers, beautiful readers! The weekend has finally arrived, and in its wake it brings a wonderful piece of sunshine and warmth and the scent of Spring. And, as always, Spring has that brilliant little motivator cleverly named--- Spring Cleaning. Thus, as old and by-forgotten things find new homes through charities and garage sales, and my room gets a well-deserved thorough scrubbing, I have found a few new things to brighten the days as Summer creeps upon us.

The first of those new things is a brilliant little notebook to jot down whatever comes to mind in, that was a fabulous Easter gift from my mum. Thank you!

This beauty is from the lovely works of Ms .
Lotta Jansdotter. I love her textiles!

The second new found love of mine is a precious face wash that is --surprise!-- really only a cream that only needs to be blotted off. My skin is notoriously not fond of sodium laureth sulfate, which is an ingredient found in many products because it is used to make the product lather and bubble. So I went on the search for a better wash for my skin. And instead I found a cream that cleans my face just as well. And dare I say... even better than traditional face cleansers!

Take a look at this lovely Pure Cream. It is really gentle, 
I use it at least every other day, if not more often!

Now, off to go finish off my {probably flawed}translation of a Spanish song and try my hand at Chemistry so I can go outside and enjoy that sunny warmth of Spring. Have a great day!

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